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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2010/09/30

Board of Commissioners Meeting
September 30, 2010
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, David Cain, Paul Manson, Peter Hill, David Montambeault.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, W.E. Austin, Simone Robinson, Tina Helm, Peter Bianchi, Mark Kaplan, Jessie Levine, Richard Lee, Neil Cheseldine, Edward Rushbrook, Ken Kessler, Roger Rodewald.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.

R11S Abatement Requests: Peter H. made a motion to accept the abatement requests from the Austins, seconded by Paul M., after some discussion regarding the water ordinances Theodore G. read the abatement portion of the ordinance and there was discussion regarding past abatement for overuse of water. Theodore G. read the list of times and events for problems with the line on the property in discussion and stated that the residents had let too much time pass before requesting an abatement or addressing the situation at hand. The Commission voted unanimously opposed to the motion, so declared by the Chairman.
David C. made a motion to deny the requests for abatement, seconded by Paul M., after some discussion regarding the billings of the properties and how much was requested for abatement, voted unanimously opposed to the motion, so declared by the Chairman.
Peter H. made a motion to grant Bill and Tex Austin relief on their water bill, seconded by Paul M., after some discussion regarding how much relief would be fair, Theodore G. suggested relief in the amount of $1,000 each. There was some discussion regarding what happens if the leak keeps happening. Peter H. would make the abatement subject to legal counsel’s review. Peter H. made a motion to amend the motion for the abatement to include $1,000 granted after legal counsel’s opinion of the legality of granting such an abatement, seconded by Paul M., voted 3 in favor 1 opposed, passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman. Voted 3 in favor 1 opposed to the motion as amended, passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman.

Forms for Signing:
August 19, 2010 Meeting Minutes:  Peter H. made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as printed, seconded by David C., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
August 2010 Sewer Purchase Journal:  David C. made a motion to accept the sewer purchase journal as presented, seconded by Paul M., after some discussion regarding bios handling, A/D Instruments and Bailey Electric, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
August 2010 Water Purchase Journal:  Paul M. made a motion to accept the water purchase journal as written, seconded by Peter H., after some discussion regarding A/D Instruments and Greg Kelley, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

New London/Sunapee Joint Quarterly Meeting:  See Joint Meeting Minutes.

Water Treatment Highlights: Dave B. presented that he has a couple of quotes for working on the concrete storage tank. There was some discussion regarding the two quoted and pressure washing versus sandblasting the tank. There was some discussion regarding where the money to do the project could come from. David M. would like to go with the higher quote and have the entire tank sandblasted and coated instead of part of the tank. Dave B. will present a potential warrant article for the work.
Dave B. reported that due to a lead violation notification will be going out to Sunapee users in the mail tomorrow. There was some discussion regarding lead testing and homeowner sampling.

Old & New Business:  
There was some discussion regarding the proposed 2011 budgets and Commissioners reviewing them for approval at next month’s meeting.

7:55 p.m. Paul M. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by David M., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2010.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup-Chairman                                David Montambeault

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kurt Markarian                                  Christopher Leonard                     

Paul Manson